Teamsters Local 2
Teamsters Local 2

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I contact if I have questions about my Teamster insurance?

Most questions about insurance coverage and eligibility should be directed to:  Montana Teamsters-Contractors/Employers Trust at Northwest Administrators 2323 Eastlake Ave East Seattle WA 98102-3393 (866) 312-4593.

Meadow Gold employees should refer to the Utah-Idaho Teamsters Security Fund at (800) 657-5377 or PO Box 30749 Salt Lake City UT 84130.

Employees of Interstate Brands Corporation and Food Services of America (Spokane Agreement only), Havre Public Schools Custodians and the City of Glasgow should refer to the Washington Teamsters Welfare Trust.  They are also administered by Northwest Administrators, but have a separate telephone number of (800) 458-3053.

Employees of Franz/Snyder's/US Bakeries are covered under the Inland Empire Teamsters Trust.  Questions should be directed to: Rehn & Associates PO Box 5433 Spokane WA 99205 (800) 872-8979 or (509) 534-0600.

How do I find out about my pension?

Questions about pensions can be directed to the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust Fund.  They are also administered by Northwest Administrators and can be contacted by phone at either (800) 531-1489 or (206) 726-3266.  Forms to request an estimate of your current benefits can be requested from the Trust Administrator or are available in our offices.

Each office will have a representative visit their area each year.  Please contact the office closest to you to find out when the representative will be in your area, or check the Events Calendar on this site.

What do I do if I am no longer working in a Teamster covered position?

You should request a withdrawal card by contacting one of the Local 2 offices.  This will keep you in good standing with the Union while not requiring you to pay dues.

Please remember that in order to be placed on withdrawal your dues must be paid through the last month in which you worked and your initiation fee must be paid in full.  If you remember to request a withdrawal card when necessary, you should never have to pay a penalty after being suspended or another initiation fee.

I think I was a Teamster somewhere else. Do I still have to pay an initiation fee?

If you were a Teamster with another Local, let us know and we can contact them to get your Cost of Transfer information.  Depending on what your status was when you left that Local, your transfer fee could be as low as $.50!  The Cost of Transfer will be determined by the Local you are transferring FROM, not Local 2.  Generally, a Cost of Transfer fee is equal to one month's dues plus $.50 provided you were in good standing when you left that Local.

What benefits do I get from joining the Teamsters?

The benefits of being a Teamster are numerous and varied.  According to the U. S. Department of Labor, union members have higher wages, are more likely to have health coverage including dental, vision and prescription coverage and are more likely to have a pension.  Teamster members also have additional benefits and opportunities for saving money due to the size and strength of the Teamsters Union and their ability to negotiate various discounts for Union members.  Some of these include discounts on cell phone services, home & auto insurance, home loans, legal services and life insurance.

Children and grandchildren of Teamster members can benefit as well through various scholarship programs such as the James R. Hoffa Scholarship Fund.

How do I file a grievance?

Grievance procedures are outlined in every contract between an Employer and your Local Union.  You should review this procedure before doing anything else.  Also, talk to your Shop Steward or call your Business Representative.

What do I do if I think I am going to get into trouble at work?

If you have been called into your supervisor's office and you feel you may face disciplinary action, you have the right, under NLRB v. Weingarten, Inc. 420 U. S. 251 (1975), to have a Union representative present during any investigative interview.  If you feel you are in such a situation calmly state: "If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined or terminated, or affect my personal working conditions, I respectfully request that my Union Representative or Steward be present at this meeting. Until my representative arrives, I choose not to participate in this discussion."  Then call your representative. 



Page Last Updated: Apr 30, 2010 (10:12:55)
Teamsters Local 2
3345 Harrison Ave.
Butte, MT 59701

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